They had the worst luck of screaming and getting sore throat. 😔😔😔😔😔
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Is it just me?
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I wonder why Tomoru Kurokawa’s civilian mode was a copy of Joker/Ren Amemiya from Persona 5. Do you think Tomoru Kurokawa will have Ren Amemiya’s long lost twin brother as a guitarist?
Hello! I'm gaocchi and I'm part of this wiki's administration team.
First of all I want to apologize in behalf for the staff for not announcing anything here before (because we did in our twitter) but better late than never
So as everyone noticed it's been months (since before aaside's without me event) since this wiki has been updated, and the reason is because we moved to miraheze after we (as staff) discussed it.
Feel free to check it out! Right now we're focusing on saving everything we can before eos (our focus right now are card stats and birthday costumes (we need help with this) since we can keep on adding stories even after eos next month)
Once again this is just an announcement about our move and by no means anything else. Everyone's free to choose the wiki they want to edit/check so this is just a "if you're interested please check it out" post.
If anyone has a question or wants to know more about how they can help, feel free to answer this post!
Once again I apologize for the really late announcement and happy new year everyone! o(^▽^)o
Similar to BanG Dream! Girl Band Party & D4DJ Groovy Mix audio file (Game version)
hello aaside fandom how are we feeling today after hearing all the news about franchise
Exactly what I meant up there. I'm a noob at this.
Let me hear epsilon phi cover. idk tho who will cover minami vo.
.i went to go read the stories but none of them have been added to. i have no knowledge on the japanese language myself but if someone could get to translating the stories to english, that would be great! /lh /gen
I just realised that for the characters/bands. None of them have a section for what instrument they use of what type/brand of guitars they use, ive seen that Garupa has it and we really should have it for ARGONAVIS too
For most of the bands, their guitars aren't affiliated with real brands or aren't real at all, but for Gyroaxia and Argonavis, we know what guitars they use (Gibson and ESP guitars) and even for bands like Fantome Iris, the guitars are similar to IRL guitars like Haru's bass looks almost identical to a Freedom Dulake Series bass, headstock and all too~
Why there is not many pages?! Why someone deleted most of pages? Can someone tell me why? I wanted to search full list of GYROAXIA's cover songs, but there was no page mentioned GYROAXIA! I hope pages will added soon, bacause there were pages about bands, their songs, character, etc. But now I can't found them.
since the game is out i was wondering if the card arts would be here or not
As some might have known, Fantôme Iris also do have full members when performing live. However, they're not the voice actors but support members from different visual kei bands.
Guitar (ZACK): YOUSAY from THE KIDDIE, Guitar (LIGHT): Touma from CLØWD, Bass (HARU): Sato from Lc5 and Drums (D): KENZO from ayabie
The thing is they really dressed up like Fantôme Iris members when performing live. But again it should be noted that they are not participating as voice actors. Vocalist Arthur is the sole member who partakes in live shows and does voice acting. I wonder how the information should be delivered in their band page. Thanks.
If you don't know the game will be release on January, 14.
Hi is there a discord for this wiki? I would love to get invited! <3
Where is the game available? Can't search it up in the app store TT w TT