ARGONAVIS from BanG Dream! Wiki

Argonavis 0-2nd LIVE -The Beginning- is the second official live of Argonavis.

The first 3 members (Morishima Shuuta, Maeda Seiji, and Hyuga Daisuke) took turns singing for the first four songs. They were joined by the vocalist Ito Masahiro from the fifth song.

It was held at the same place where they held their first live, Shimokitazawa GARDEN last September 15, 2018.


  1. Peace Sign (ピースサイン) by Yonezu Kenshi (Boku no Hero Academia Season 2 OP)
  2. Rewrite (リライト) by ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION (Full Metal Alchemist OP)
  3. Tentai Kansoku (天体観測) by BUMP OF CHICKEN (Tentai Kansoku Drama OP)
  4. Aoi Shiori (青い栞) by Galileo Galilei (AnoHana OP)

Vocalist Nanahoshi Ren (CV: Ito Masahiro)

  1. Butter-Fly by Wada Koji (Digimon Adventures OP)
  2. Steady Goes!
  3. Samurai Heart (Some Like it Hot!!) (サムライハート (Some Like it Hot!!)) by SPYAIR (Gintama ED)
  4. ALONES by Aqua Timez (Bleach OP)
  5. Melissa (メリッサ) by Porno Graffitti (Full Metal Alchemist OP)
  6. GO!!! by FLOW (Naruto OP)
  1. Sugar Song to Bitter Step (シュガーソングとビターステップ) by UNISON SQUARE GARDEN (Kekkai Sessen ED)
  2. Steady Goes!



